Category Archives: scholarship

New Post-Baccalaureate Program in Post-Classical Latin UCLA 2014-2015

The UCLA Division of Humanities, the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS), and the Department of Classics are pleased to announce the award of a three-year grant by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support the preparation and training of young scholars in post-classical Latin for graduate programs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies.

The post-baccalaureate program in Latin is intended for students who have completed B.A. degrees and who wish to pursue Ph.D. programs requiring study and proficiency in post-classical Latin. A cohort of up to five students will be chosen each year by an international application process. All fees and a stipend of $18,000 will be provided to allow the admitted students to spend a year at UCLA participating in the post-classical Latin curriculum as well as taking existing courses in Classical Latin and, more broadly, in Medieval and Renaissance Studies. The program is intended to prepare students for successful applications to top-ranked Ph.D. programs.

The Department intends to offer a full year of coursework in post-classical Latin at the undergraduate level in 2014-15, in addition to graduate seminars in related areas of Medieval and Renaissance Studies.

Inquiries should be addressed to Professor Robert Gurval, Director of the Mellon initiative (

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore – Postgraduate/Postdoctoral Positions in Early Modern/Medieval European History

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, is seeking  scholars who might be interested in applying for one of these positions (PhD student or post-doctoral worker).

Applications should be made by the end of June, for scholarships to be taken up in January for PhD students, or at an agreed time for postdoctoral workers. Persons who are interested should consult Professor Andrea Nanetti before preparing an application. His e-mail address is:

Before contacting Professor Nanetti, prospective applicants should inform themselves about the project of which their work will form a part by accessing the following web site:

Information may also be obtained from Associate Chair of Postgraduate Studies, Professor Michael Walsh, who is in charge of this programme. His e-mail address is:

The positions will be funded by the University. Applicants will therefore be competing against others from a wide range of disciplines.

The position or positions will be supported by the School of Art, Design and Media at Nanyang University (about 35,000 students), which offers a full range of Bachelor, Master and PhD programmes. Their graduate programmes in particular are an incubator for the development of creative ideas spanning disciplines. For general information on their graduate programmes, see:

The necessary qualifications for both of these positions are as follows:

1. English as a first language
2. Demonstrated competence in the Italian language
3. An interest in the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance in Europe, particularly in works of art and architecture that can be used to illustrate this period.

PhD students must spend at least half of each year at Nanyang University. Postdoctoral students will be expected to be resident at Nanyang University except for short periods of absence, such as holidays, attendance at conference and approved visits to other institutions.

Donald Bullough Fellowship for Medieval Historian – Call For Applications

Donald Bullough Fellowship for Medieval Historian
University of St Andrews
St Andrews Institute of Mediaeval Studies

The St Andrews Institute of Mediaeval Studies invites applications for the Donald Bullough Fellowship in Mediaeval History, to be taken up during either semester of the academic year 2014-15.

The Fellowship is open to any academic in a permanent university post with research interests in mediaeval history. The financial aspect of the fellowship is a subsidy (up to £3000) towards the cost of travel to St Andrews and accommodation during your stay. Previous Fellows have included Dr Christina Pössel, Professor Cynthia Neville, Dr Ross Balzaretti, Dr Marlene Hennessy, Professor Warren Brown. The fellowship is currently held by Dr Edward Coleman.

The Fellowship carries with it no teaching duties, though the Fellow is expected to take part in the normal seminar life of the mediaeval historians during their stay in St Andrews. Weekly seminars, held on a Monday evening, run from September – December, and February – May. You will also be invited to lead a workshop on your chosen research theme during your stay. Fellows are provided with computing facilities and an office alongside the mediaeval historians in the Institute. The university library has an excellent collection for mediaeval historians.

You should send a letter of application by the advertised closing date, together with a scheme of research for the project on which you will be engaged during your time in St Andrews. You should also enclose a CV, together with the names of two academic referees, who should be asked to write by the closing date. All correspondence should be addressed to

The closing date for applications is 31 March 2014.

Further enquiries may be addressed to the Director, Professor Simon MacLean ( or to colleagues in the Institute, whose contact details may be found on

PhD Position: Religious Polemics – Call For Applications

The Department of History at the University of Muenster, Germany, offers up a position as Doctoral researcher (Ph.D. candidate).

The position is part-time (0.5 fte), at a TV-L 13 salary, for two years with the possibility of extension for a third year.

The position is part of the junior research group Diversitas religionum. Thirteenth-century foundations of European discourses of religious diversity, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. The task of the doctoral researchers in this group is to contribute to the study of twelfth- to fourteenth-century religious polemics in the Euro-Mediterranean area. Preparing their own dissertations, the candidates are expected to study an aspect of anti-heretical, anti-clerical, anti-mendicant, anti-Islamic or anti-Christian polemics and perceptions. The research should concern at least one of the following aspects:

  • The relationship between intra-Christian and inter-religious conflicts and polemics,
  • The transmission and adaptation of religious polemics between learned and unlearned audiences (including questions of media, e.g. oral transmission through preaching, images or manuscript tradition),
  • Religious polemic concerning concepts of gender, sexuality and bodily purity, especially polemics debating masculinity.

The candidate is expected to have completed an MA degree or equivalent in Medieval history or another discipline of Medieval Studies, and to possess excellent command of Latin or another medieval language, as well as interest in interdisciplinary theoretical and methodical approaches. The candidate should have good communication skills and be able to present ongoing research to various (including non-specialist) audiences. The research group will engage in a regular work programme held at Muenster.

For more details and to apply, please visit:

Applications close March 31, 2014.

Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network (DiXiT): Fellowships – Call For Applications

The Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network (DiXiT) offers 12 Marie Curie fellowships to early stage researchers (ESRs) for a period of 3 years and 5 Marie Curie fellowships to experienced researchers (ERs) for a period of 12 to 20 months.

Early-Stage Researchers must be in the first 4 years of their research careers and not yet have a doctoral degree. This is measured from the date when they obtained the degree which would formally entitle them to embark on a doctorate, irrespective of whether or not a doctorate is envisaged.

Experienced Researchers must be in possession of a doctoral degree or have at least 4 years of full-time equivalent research experience. At the time of recruitment by the host organisation an experienced researcher must also have less than 5 years of full-time equivalent research experience.

Researchers can be of any nationality. They are required to undertake trans-national mobility (i.e. move from one country to another) when taking up their appointment. One general rule applies to the
appointment of researchers:

At the time of recruitment by the host organisation, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date.

Fellowships are now open for applications. The deadline for applications is the 10 December 2013. For full details and to apply visit:

DiXiT (Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network) is an international network of high-profile institutions from the public and the private sector that are actively involved in the creation and publication of digital scholarly editions.

DiXiT offers a coordinated training and research programme for early stage researchers and experienced researchers in the multi-disciplinary skills, technologies, theories, and methods of
digital scholarly editing.

DiXiT is funded under Marie Curie Actions within the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme and runs from September 2013 until August 2017.

For more information visit the DiXiT website:

University of Queensland Summer Scholars Program at CHED – Call For Applications

The Centre for the History of European Discourses at the University of Queensland is accepting applications for advanced undergraduate/honours students interested in participating in the UQ Summer Scholars Program for 2013/14.

Details of the program, and how to apply, can be found at the following link:

Successful applicants will receive a weekly stipend in order to work half-time on their own research and half-time as a research assistant for the Centre for the History of European Discourses (CHED) during a residency of 6-8 weeks. Research areas are identified on the webpage, but we welcome applications from students in a variety of fields – e.g., History, Philosophy, Literature, and Cultural Studies – interested in producing an intellectual history research paper, advised by one of the postdocs or senior researchers currently at CHED.

Closing date for applications: 5pm, Friday August 30, 2012.

King’s Collge London – PhD Scholarship in Palaeography and Manuscript Studies

2013/14 PhD programme in Palaeography and Manuscript Studies, King’s College London

Applications are now being accepted for a PhD scholarship (value £24,500 to cover fees with the balance payable as a stipend in 12 equal monthly instalments; tenable for a three-year period) to be awarded competitively to a suitably qualified candidate. The applicant will be completing or have completed a Master’s level qualification, will have knowledge of Latin or at least one medieval language, and must have developed a research proposal relating to some aspect of medieval manuscripts and palaeography. Research students in King’s have access to advanced Latin and palaeography training, although it is expected that the successful candidate will have already gained experience of both disciplines.

London boasts unrivalled collections of Western manuscripts, in private as well as public hands, a large concentration of experts on medieval palaeography, numerous research seminars, including the London Palaeography seminar, and the extensive resources of the Senate House Palaeography Room as well as the British Library Manuscripts Reading Room. Postgraduate students at King’s belong to the Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies, one of the best-established interdisciplinary centres of its kind in the country, which brings together international scholars working at the forefront of their disciplines, as well as visiting academics from overseas.

Students within Palaeography and Manuscript Studies have the opportunity of co-supervision in a discipline appropriate to their research interests: Classics and Hellenic Studies, Digital Humanities, History, Literature (English, French, German, Occitan, Spanish), Music, or Theology and Religious Studies. Current major research projects hosted at King’s which involve the study of medieval manuscripts include Digipal, Dynamics of the Medieval Manuscript, Medieval Francophone Literature outside France.

To apply: CV, 600-word research proposal, academic transcript, sent to

Deadline for applications: 1st July 2013.

For further information please contact Julia Crick, Professor of Palaeography and Manuscript Studies (

S. Ernest Sprott Fellowship 2013

The late Samuel Ernest Sprott, who died on 20 May 2009, was born in Hobart, Tasmania. He was an academic in the department of English at Dalhousie University, Canada, from 1958 to 1985. For almost 25 years after his retirement he kept an office at Dalhousie University and continued his research in early modern literature (most notably in Shakespeare studies). He was best known for his work on John Milton, notably Milton’s Art of Prosody, his first book, which appeared in nine editions between 1953 and 1978, and John Milton, A Maske: the Earlier Versions. His book Suicide: The English Debate from Donne to Hume was published in 1961. He also published a collection of poems in 1955.


Applicants who must demonstrate an outstanding record of scholarship. They must outline a program of scholarly study outside Australia, leading to a book relating to dramatic or non-dramatic English literature of the sixteenth or seventeenth centuries.

It is recommended that the applicant seek some kind of formal affiliation with a relevant library or university.

Fellowship funds will be paid in quarterly instalments providing that the committee is satisfied with the progress of the candidate who will submit quarterly reports.

Application process

  • You must supply the following documents to support your application. You can upload these into the application form:
  • A brief proposal detailing the intended scholarly studies outside Australia on dramatic or non-dramatic English literature of the sixteenth or seventeenth centuries (no more than one page)
  • A short budget, including estimates of travel and living expenses
  • A curriculum vitae (including present position and publications) (no more than two pages)
  • Certified copy of Australian Citizenship (Passport, Birth Certificate, Citizenship Certificate)
  • Two academic references
  • Further supporting information that may assist the committee in making its decision

The closing date for the University of Melbourne’s Ernest Sprott Fellowship for overseas travel for Australians working on sixteenth and seventeenth century English literature is June 28.

For further details and to apply, please visit:

University of Lincoln: International Visiting Fellowship in Medieval History – Call For Applications

The University of Lincoln is pleased to offer a non‐stipendiary Visiting Fellowship in Medieval History. Applications are invited from international scholars specializing in medieval history. It is anticipated that the Fellowship will be suitable for scholars who wish to have a base in Lincoln for 4‐8 weeks, at any point between June 1 and September 15, 2013. The Fellow will be provided with office space, computer facilities, and a library card.

The University of Lincoln is situated in the medieval city of Lincoln within walking distance of a range of rich medieval archival, literary, and material sources, to which the Fellow will have access.

It is hoped that the Fellow will contribute to the School’s research and teaching culture, by offering a seminar or workshop relevant to their research expertise to postgraduates on the MA in Medieval Studies and doctoral programmes.

For information on the MA in Medieval Studies visit:

The Fellowship is open to scholars at all career stages.

Applications should be sent by email by February 22, 2013 to Dr Philippa Hoskin:

Please include the following:

  • A full curriculum vitae
  • An outline proposal (of up to 500 words) of a seminar or workshop, or suitable equivalent
  • name and contact details of one referee
  • anticipated start date and requested duration of Fellowship.

Applicants will be notified by February 28, 2013.

View this notice online here.

The Medici Archive Project: SFCT Fellowships for Graduate Students – Call For Applications

The Medici Archive Project (MAP) is offering three short-term fellowships for graduate students in any field of the humanities or social sciences who are in the early stages of their dissertation work:

The Medici Granducal Archive (Mediceo del Principato), comprising over four-million letters dating between 1537-1743, provides the most complete record of any princely regime in early modern Italy as well as an extraordinarily rich historical reservoir of European history. This collection offers an incomparable panorama of human history, expressed through the words of the people most immediately involved, opening new windows onto the political, diplomatic, gastronomic, economic, artistic, scientific, military and medical culture of early modern Tuscany and Europe.

The Medici Archive Project (MAP) ( believes that it is imperative to provide graduate and doctoral students from diverse disciplines with the opportunity to have exposure to original source materials and training in their use. For this reason MAP is offering three short-term fellowships sponsored by the SAMUEL FREEMAN CHARITABLE TRUST (SFCT) for graduate students in any field of the humanities or social sciences who are in the early stages of their dissertation work. The SFCT fellowships have been developed to enable students working on their dissertations to conduct primary research using the Mediceo del Principato and other collections housed in the Archivio di Stato in Florence. This scholarly residence will be of considerable benefit in helping the students to gain the necessary skills, experience and confidence to continue independent academic research in the later stages of their graduate trajectory. Fellowship recipients will attend the annual MAP Archival Studies Seminar. While undertaking primary research for their dissertation in the Florentine state archives the Fellows will benefit from the supervision of the MAP Staff, academics drawn from a variety of disciplines, who are experts in archival research, paleography and the digital humanities. The Fellows will also have the opportunity to expand their academic networks through contact with the many international scholars who regularly visit and collaborate with MAP.

The fellowships last for a period of two-and-a-half months to be carried out continuously during the period between 1 April 2013 and 15 July 2013. The SFCT Fellows will undertake their dissertation research on-site in the Archivio di Stato, Florence. The candidates will have the following qualifications: a completed M.Phil (or equivalent) in any field of early modern humanities and fluency in English and Italian. Preference will be given to those applicants whose dissertation topic is immediately relevant to the content of these archives. The stipend is $5,000 plus an allowance for travel expenses.

To apply for this fellowship, the following material should be sent electronically to Elena Brizio (

  1. A copy of the candidate’s dissertation proposal (or a final draft) 
  2. A short essay (two pages maximum) on how a candidate’s topic may benefit from archival research.  
  3. A complete and up-to-date curriculum vitae. 
  4. The name and email contact details of one scholar, preferably the candidate’s supervisor, who can comment on the applicant’s qualifications and the merits of the research proposal (please do not include letters of recommendation with the application). 

The application deadline is: 13 March 2013 at noon.

Further information:

  1. All materials submitted by the applicant should be in English.
  2. All materials should be in a single pdf file.
  3. Please do not include supplementary material (publications, papers, syllabi, etc.). 

For further information contact:
Dr. Elena Brizio
Vice Director The Medici Archive Project