Category Archives: scholarship

Columbia University: MA in Medieval and Renaissance Studies – Call For Applications

The MA in Medieval and Renaissance Studies provides the opportunity to undertake graduate level work in any relevant field of interest. Students have the flexibility to take a variety of courses in art history, religion, history, philosophy, literature or other relevant fields offered by departments in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. This flexibility offers the opportunity to concentrate in one area while also exploring other aspects of the life, thought, and culture of the Middle Ages and/or the Early Modern Period. Through this unique interdisciplinary and cross-period approach, students gain a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the periods.

The program is appropriate for students who will go on to apply to PhD programs as well as for those who wish to complete a terminal MA. In addition to choosing from a wide range of courses, students develop their skills in relevant languages, and are introduced to the study of manuscripts and early printed books. The MA culminates in a final thesis in which students develop an original research project. Students have the option to pursue the degree full time or part-time. The deadline for spring admission is November 1st. For more information, please visit:

ACIS CassaMarca Scholarships for HDR Research in Italy: Now Open

The Australasian Centre for Italian Studies (ACIS), supported by the Cassamarca Foundation (Treviso), promotes the activities of research and teaching in the area of Italian Studies in Australasian tertiary institutions. Information on its work can be obtained here.

ACIS is offering UP TO THREE scholarships worth $5,000 each to provide postgraduate students at an Australian or New Zealand university with the opportunity to work on a research project in Italy in 2016. For one of the awards, the Dino De Poli Scholarship which honours the President of the Cassamarca Foundation, preference may be given to applications for research on any aspect of the culture, history and society of North East Italy.

The scholarships are available to students who in 2016 will be enrolled, full-time or part-time, in Master by research or PhD degrees in a university in Australia or New Zealand and who will be engaged in research projects in any of the following areas of Italian Studies: archaeology and classical antiquities, language, literature, culture, history, politics and society, including migration studies.

Successful applicants will be expected to spend at least two months in Italy on research. The award must be taken up before 1 December 2016.

For full details, including how to apply, please visit:

Closing date for applications: Friday 30 October 2015.

World Shakespeare Bibliography Online PhD Student Fellowship – Call For Applications

World Shakespeare Bibliography Online PhD Student Fellowship

The World Shakespeare Bibliography is seeking doctoral fellows interested in early modern literature and/or digital humanities.

The selected fellow will be an incoming PhD student in English at Texas A&M University. The World Shakespeare Bibliography PhD fellow will serve as a graduate research assistant in the English Department at Texas A&M, which pays a monthly stipend and includes health insurance. The University pays tuition for students holding fellowships and assistantships.

The World Shakespeare Bibliography PhD fellow will work for the World Shakespeare Bibliography for one year. The fellowship is for nine months, with a strong likelihood of summer support. After the first year, students will be shifted to a graduate teaching assistantship in the English Department, at the same funding level. Students are also eligible for many additional funding opportunities, through the English Department, the College of Liberal Arts, the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies, Cushing Memorial Library and Archives and the Melbern C. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research). Graduate assistantships are renewable for a total of five years, contingent on good progress toward the degree.

The successful applicant will have the opportunity to learn about the cutting edge of Shakespeare scholarship and will gain work experience in a longstanding global digital humanities project. Fellows will have the opportunity to work in a vibrant department with strengths in early modern studies and digital humanities. World Shakespeare Bibliography fellows will be encouraged to take advantage of the rare book collection at the Cushing Memorial Library and Archives and opportunities available through the Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture. The World Shakespeare Bibliography PhD fellow will be eligible to apply for funded conference travel, a student exchange to Aberystwyth, Wales, and further training programs such as the Digital Humanities Summer Institute. Texas A&M is a member of the Folger Institute Consortium, and our students and staff regularly participate in Folger Shakespeare Library events.

Ideal applicants will be strong academic candidates with interest in early modern studies and/or digital humanities. Basic computer skills required: specific training will be given upon arrival. The strongest candidates will be self-motivated, detail-oriented students looking forward to gaining new research skills. Second languages are helpful but not required.

To apply, please complete the application for Texas A&M’s PhD in English (information here). In your statement of purpose, please include a sentence that indicates your interest in applying for the World Shakespeare Bibliography PhD fellowship. Please append a 150-word paragraph detailing why you would be a good candidate for the fellowship and why it appeals to you. Applications are due 15 December, 2015 for fall 2016 admission and start of fellowship.

If you have questions about graduate study in English at Texas A&M University, please contact Professor Sally Robinson. If you have questions about the World Shakespeare Bibliography, please contact Professor Laura Estill or Dr. Krista May.

Max Weber Post-doctoral Fellowships – Call For Applications

Max Weber Post-doctoral Fellowships
European University Institute

Applications are now open for the Max Weber Programme at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy. Amongst the largest, most prestigious and successful post doctoral programmes in the historical and social sciences, and located in one of the most beautiful settings, with truly outstanding research facilities, we offer from 50-60 fully funded 1 and 2 year post doctoral fellowships to applicants within 5 years of receiving their PhD from anywhere in the world in the fields of economics, history, law and social and political sciences. All areas and types of research within these fields are considered. Last year 98% of Fellows found an academic position on completing the Fellowship.

To find out more about the programme and how to apply, go to: and

Applications close on 25 October, 2015.

The Snorri Sturluson Icelandic Fellowships – Call For Papers

The Snorri Sturluson Icelandic Fellowships

The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies invites applications for the Snorri Sturluson Icelandic Fellowships for 2016. The Fellowships are granted to writers, translators and scholars (not to university students) in the field of humanities from outside Iceland, to enable them to stay in Iceland for a period of at least three months, in order to improve their knowledge of the Icelandic language, culture and society.

The amount of the Fellowships is based in principle on travel expenses to and from Iceland, plus living expenses while in the country. Should two equally-qualified candidates be under consideration, preference will, as a rule, be given to a candidate from Eastern or Southern Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America or Oceania.

The Árni Magnússonar Institute for Icelandic Studies assists Fellows during their stay in Iceland, at the conclusion of which Fellows are expected to submit a report to the Institute on how the grant was spent.

There is no special application form for the Fellowships. Applicants should submit a brief but thorough account of the purpose of their stay in Iceland, specifying period of stay, as well as details of education and publications.

Further information at: Applications should be sent by ordinary mail (no e-mail application) no later than 31 October, 2015 to:

The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
The Sigurður Nordal Office
P.O.Box 1220
121 Reykjavík

Oxford University, All Saints College: Visiting Fellowships 2016–2017 – Call For Applications

The College proposes to elect a number of Visiting Fellows, for periods of one, two, or three terms, in the academic year October 2016 to June 2017. These Fellowships are intended to enable their holders to carry out study and research in Oxford and to participate in the academic life of the College and the University. Visiting Fellowships are open in all subjects. Applications will be considered from staff of any university or other institution of higher learning, from other suitably qualified persons who wish to carry out full-time scholarly work in Oxford, and from those in public life (e.g. law, public policy, or the arts). In making its final choice, the College will give weight to intellectual quality, to the interest and feasibility of the research project, and to the relevance of residence in Oxford. It is not the College’s policy to offer Visiting Fellowships to persons holding posts in Oxford or already resident in, or near, Oxford.

There is no stipend, but Visiting Fellows will be entitled to accommodation, a study in College, and lunches and dinners without charge. Family accommodation is also available. Limited financial subvention may also be offered in exceptional circumstances. Any candidate desiring to take advantage of this provision should indicate this at the appropriate point in the online application form.

Application should be made online in the ‘Appointments’ section of the college website,

Please contact the Fellows’ Secretary if you have difficulty applying online. Applications must be received by 12 noon (UK time), Friday, 4 September 2015. Contact: Fellows’ Secretary, All Souls College, Oxford, OX1 4AL, tel. (01865) 279308, email:

To apply for a Visiting Fellowship, please visit:

Auckland Library: Researcher in Residence Scholarship, 2015/16 – Call For Applications

The Auckland Library Heritage Trust is pleased to announce the award of an annual scholarship of $1000 to assist with scholarly research and promotion of the material held in the Libraries’ special collections.

Every year, the Trust will award $1000 to a research scholar with a particular interest in the collections of Auckland Libraries given by Sir George Grey and added to by others in the decades since.

The award is open to overseas visitors to New Zealand, as well as to New Zealand citizens and residents.

Applications should be made in writing to:

The Chair of the Auckland Library Heritage Trust, c/o Auckland Libraries, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142.

Applications should include:

    • A specific indication of the material the applicant wishes to use
    • A brief account of the project to be undertaken
    • A brief CV
    • The names of two referees, who may be asked to confirm that the applicant has the necessary background to complete and present the project satisfactorily.

Applications for 2015/16 close on 31 May, 2015.

For full details, please visit:

Graduate Women WA Scholarships and Bursaries 2015 – Call For Applications

The 2015 round of Graduate Women WA Scholarships and Bursaries is now open.

Applications will close noon 17 July, 2015.

Graduate Women WA offers annual bursaries and scholarships to women completing postgraduate research. 2015 Scholarships to be awarded in October 2015:

Graduate Women WA Jillian Bradshaw Scholarship

Value up to $3,000

This Scholarship is open to women enrolled for a higher degree by research in the Humanities. It is also open to women who have completed a PhD and are preparing their research for publication but have no academic position.

Graduate Women WA Mary Walters Scholarship

Value up to $3,000

This Scholarship is open to women enrolled for a higher degree by research in Science.

Graduate Women WA Mary and Elsie Stevens Scholarship

Value up to $2,000

The Scholarship is open to women enrolled for a higher degree by research in Mathematics or Science.

Graduate Women WA Joyce Riley Scholarship

Value up to $2,000

This Scholarship is open to women enrolled for a higher degree by research or coursework in the Humanities or Social Sciences.

For full details and to apply, please visit:

EURIAS Fellowship Programme 2016-2017 – Call For Applications

The European Institutes for Advanced Study (EURIAS) Fellowship Programme is an international researcher mobility programme offering 10-month residencies in one of the 16 participating Institutes: Berlin, Bologna, Budapest, Cambridge, Delmenhorst, Edinburgh, Freiburg, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Lyon, Marseille, Paris, Uppsala, Vienna, Wassenaar, Zürich. The Institutes for Advanced Study support the focused, self-directed work of outstanding researchers. The fellows benefit from the finest intellectual and research conditions and from the stimulating environment of a multi-disciplinary and international community of first-rate scholars.

EURIAS Fellowships are mainly offered in the fields of the humanities and social sciences but may also be granted to scholars in life and exact sciences, provided that their proposed research project does not require laboratory facilities and that it interfaces with humanities and social sciences. The diversity of the 16 participating IAS offers a wide range of possible research contexts in Europe for worldwide scholars. Applicants may select up to three IAS outside their country of nationality or residence as possible host institutions.

The Programme welcomes applications worldwide from promising young scholars (postdoc) as well as from leading senior researchers. The EURIAS selection process has proven to be highly competitive. In order to match the Programme standards, applicants have to submit a solid and innovative research proposal, to demonstrate the ability to forge beyond disciplinary specialisation, to show an international commitment as well as quality publications in high-impact venues.

For the 2016-2017 academic year, EURIAS offers 43 fellowships (21 junior and 22 senior positions). Please check on Available fellowship positions.

All IAS have agreed on common standards, including the provision of a living allowance (in the range of € 26,000 for a junior fellow and € 38,000 for a senior fellow), accommodation (or a mobility allowance), a research budget, plus coverage of travel expenses.


  • Applications are submitted online via, where you will find detailed information regarding the content of the application, eligibility criteria, selection procedure, etc.
  • Applications period April 9th → June 5th, 2015.
  • The deadline for application is June 5th, 2015, 12 PM (noon) GMT. Late applications will not be considered.


  • Scientific assessment by two international reviewers
  • Pre-selection by the international EURIAS Scientific Committee
  • Final selection by the IAS academic boards
  • Publication of results (January 2016)


  • Launch of the call for applications → April 9th, 2015
  • Application deadline → June 5th, 2015, 12 PM (noon) GMT
  • Results of the preselection by EURIAS Scientific Committee → Mid-November, 2015
  • Publication of IAS final selections → Mid-January, 2016
  • Arrival of fellows → September/October 2016


Please check on the following pages:

Max-Planck-Institute: Two PhD/Post-doctoral Positions (Late Medieval/Early Modern History) – Call For Applications

The Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal History and the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main are partner institutions of the Collaborative Research Centre 1095 ‘Discourses of Weakness and Resource Regimes’. In this framework, the Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal History offers two PhD/ Post-doctoral positions in the field of late medieval/early modern history, legal history or ecclesiastical history (starting July 1, 2015, or later; 3-year contracts).

In this context, the position holders are expected to research on one of the two following subjects:

  • I. Martín de Azpilcueta’s Manual for Confessors and the phenomenon of epitomization
  • II. The Third Provincial Council of Mexico (1585) and the elaboration of a Manual for Confessors

The applicants must hold a university degree, preferably in one of the following disciplines: law, canon law, theology, history or philology. Language skills must include English as well as Latin (project I) or Spanish (project II). Moreover, researchers who do not speak German, are expected to learn it during their stay in Frankfurt. Furthermore, participation in the collective activities of the CRC is mandatory.

Both doctoral and post-doctoral researchers can apply for the above mentioned positions. As regards doctoral students the PhD can be granted by the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, if the applicants fulfill the necessary requirements. However, candidates who wish to obtain their PhD from another university will also be admitted. Doctoral students will be given the opportunity to familiarize with their research topic.

The selected candidates will be working at the Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurt am Main and will be integrated into the respective research fields of the Institute.

For full details, and to apply, please visit:

Applications close 15 May, 2015.