Category Archives: scholarship

Summer Scholarships -VUW

Summer Scholarships

4 VUW Summer Scholarships related to this project have received funding for Summer 2017/18. The closing date for applications is 15 September 2017

We welcome applications from students who have completed at least two years of their undergraduate degree and are enrolling in 3rd year, the Honours programme, or the first year of a Masters degree in 2018. 

See the Summer Scholars Scheme web page for details on how to apply.

Subaltern traces: mapping the brutal lives of 19th century redcoat soldiers (Project 303)

From the moment a man ‘took the king’s shilling’ and was sworn to serve as a soldier in the 19th century British Army, many facts and figures about him were meticulously recorded by the army on a daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly basis. The quarterly muster rolls (WO12) depict the 1860s wars in New Zealand in all their brutality and routine detail. Delve into these archives, discover the power of databases in historical explorations, and bring your analysis to an audience in a way you might not have done before.

Family fortunes and civic destinies: the fall and rise of Victorian Auckland ​(Project 328)

Explore the history of Auckland city and region from its life as a garrison town in the early 1860s, through years of sharp recession to its later emergence as a major colonial city by the late 19th Century. What family fortunes and city fates were won and lost in the unpredictable swirl of colonial New Zealand? How were women involved in this key transformation? The Scholarship provides an opportunity to work at the Auckland Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira library, a major national research institution with rich collections. It also enables the Scholar to work with an established research team through the ongoing Marsden-funded research project led by Charlotte Macdonald and Rebecca Lenihan (see

Soldiers of the Queen: Exploring personal narratives in the New Zealand Wars (Project 329)
Taranaki Wars Research Opportunity

The researcher, supervised by Puke Ariki’s Curator Pictorial Collections, will be tasked with researching and cataloguing amateur photographer and collector William Francis Gordon’s photograph album “Some Soldiers of the Queen”, who served in the New Zealand Wars and other notable persons connected herewith. This remarkable album is a unique historical artefact. Dating from around 1900, the album contains over 450 photographs of soldiers, civilians and Māori involved with the New Zealand Wars. The album is an integral part of Puke Ariki’s collection of Taranaki Wars material, memorialising those who are depicted and bringing their faces/identities into striking contemporary view.  This research project would involve a student using a variety of research sources to develop biographical information for people and regiments depicted in the album, conduct some original cataloguing on the heritage database and make the results of their research available online via the Puke Ariki website. There will also be an opportunity for the student to showcase their research to a Puke Ariki staff seminar.

From colonial collecting to contemporary assemblage: joining the pieces of the New Zealand Wars together (Project 331)

Explore the rich and varied collections of Te Papa through a project to link photographs, archives, objects and other items relating to New Zealand’s nineteenth-century wars. What has the museum collected over the years and how might the varied items in the collection be brought together to tell a larger story of this important aspect of New Zealand’s history? You will be working with experienced curators and museum staff, and a research team at Victoria University. The goal is to build an assemblage from the collections, and to enhance means of public access to Te Papa’s collections.

St Hilda’s College, University of Oxford: New Medieval French Doctoral Studentship – Call For Applications

Medieval French: Jeanette Beer Graduate Studentship in Medieval French – Fully funded UK award

The Studentship is jointly funded by the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, St Hilda’s College and a generous donation by Jeanette Beer, Professor Emerita of French, Purdue University. This Studentship covers candidates applying for the DPhil in Modern Languages, starting in October 2018, whose thesis topic is in the field of French literature and/or language from 842 to the fifteenth century. The studentship includes the following: College and University tuition fees (at the Home/EU rate) and a full maintenance grant. Scholarships are awarded to applicants who have demonstrated excellent academic ability, who will contribute to the University’s ground-breaking research, and who will go on to contribute to the world as leaders in their field, pushing the frontiers of knowledge. To be considered for the Jeanette Beer Graduate Studentship you must apply through the university admissions process by the January deadline. Course applications which are held over after the January deadline to be re-evaluated against applications received by the March deadline or course applications which have been put on a waiting list are not eligible for scholarship consideration.

For more details please visit:

Birmingham City University: Fully-funded PhD Scholarship in International Responses to Shakespeare

Birmingham City University, in partnership with The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified applicant for a full-time collaborative PhD studentship, focused on the international collections at the Trust, commencing September 2017.

Closing date for applications is Sunday 9 July.

Interviews follow applications. There is also an Applicant Visit Day on Saturday 24 June.
Apply here:

For informal enquiries: and

£14,553 per year plus UK/EU fees of £4,195.

Project Title: International Responses to Shakespeare in the Collections of The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust


  • Dr Islam Issa (Birmingham City University)
  • Rev. Dr Paul Edmondson (The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust)
  • Professor David Roberts (Birmingham City University)

Project Description:
The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust’s international collections contain papers, books and objects relating to global responses to Shakespeare. The proposed research will mark out the territory of this under-researched part of the collections (a UK Designated Outstanding Collection, also included on the UNESCO UK Memory of the World list), as well as develop a critical and historical approach to its holdings. As its fundamental basis, the project will construct a scholarly, analytical overview of the range of the Trust’s international collections (artistic objects, translations, creative writing, souvenirs, and commemorative items) in addition to the Trust as an archive of international cultural responses (celebrations, special projects, and Shakespeare societies). From this initial, analytical overview, the project will explore cultural responses to Shakespeare within the collection. This might be progressed in one or more of the following ways:

    • by looking at the different kinds of media;
    • by taking a geographical approach;

by taking a chronological approach.

The project will focus on the following objectives:

  • To construct the first scholarly, analytical overview of the Trust’s international collections, thereby helping the Trust to understand more about its international holdings and to develop its future international collecting strategy.
  • To present and explore the varied cultural responses to Shakespeare within the international collections, while also engaging numerous stakeholders (through developing an event at the Stratford-upon-Avon Poetry festival, liaising with SBT Trading Ltd to develop a new commercial product, and working towards a public-facing creative project and online exhibition).
  • To create new and vital subject knowledge about Shakespeare’s reach, appropriation and legacy, thus foregrounding cultural and international heritage as key branches of current and future research, while creating new solutions for the societal challenges of diversity and representation in academic research and cultural activity.

Auckland Library: Sir George Grey Special Collections Researcher in Residence Scholarship – Call For Applications

The Auckland Library Heritage Trust has announced its annual scholarship aimed at encouraging research based on material held in the Sir George Grey Special Collections.

The closing date for applications is 6 June, 2017.

For more information, and to apply, please visit:

King College London: 2 Fully-funded PhD Scholarships in Latin Verse in English MS Verse Miscellanies, c. 1550-1700

King College London: Two fully-funded PhD places: Latin verse in English manuscript verse miscellanies, c. 1550-1700

Two funded PhD studentships are available at King’s College London to work on the project ‘Latin verse in English manuscript verse miscellanies, c. 1550-1700’, funded by a Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant. Students from any relevant disciplinary background may apply (e.g. classics, English literature, comparative literature, early modern history) though excellent Latin is essential, and all candidates should have a record of academic excellence within their field. Relevant knowledge or experience in one or more of the following areas is an advantage, but not essential: neo-Latin literature (especially poetry); Latin epigram, lyric or elegy; early modern English history; early modern English literature (especially poetry); early modern manuscript transcription and editing; XML/TEI. Training in the use of relevant software and in early modern palaeography and transcription will be provided as part of the programme, and students will have the opportunity to join a taught MA course on neo-Latin poetry in their first term. The selected students will share office space at KCL with a larger research team, consisting of the director of the project (Dr Victoria Moul) and two post-doctoral researchers.

The project will involve an intial phase of technical training and orientation, followed by around twelve months focused on the transcription and translation of unstudied neo-Latin verse from manuscript sources. The latter 18-24 months will be devoted to the analysis of transcribed material and the writing of a thesis. Selected students will be free to develop their own doctoral project within the larger remit of the project: such projects could have, for instance, a generic, thematic or historical focus – e.g. focusing in particular on lyric or elegiac poems; on poems on a particular historical event (such as the Armada or execution of Charles I); on the manuscript transcription of poems by a particular author (such as Theodore de Bèze or John Owen) or on a specific literary relationship, such as the imitation of a particular classical poet. Dr Victoria Moul, is an experienced PhD supervisor and the students will join a thriving community of six PhD and post-doctoral researchers in the field at King’s, offering a unique research environment within the UK.

The anticipated start date is September 2017, though January 2018 is also possible. Funding includes UK/EU fees of £4,600 per annum plus a maintenance stipend of £15,863 per annum over three years.

Applicants should send a CV and transcript with a cover letter explaining their interest in and suitability for the project by 5pm on Monday 15 May, 2017 directly to Dr Moul ( They should arrange for two referees to send their references directly to Dr Moul by the same date. Interviews of short-listed candidates will be held at KCL (Strand campus) on Thursday 1 June, 2017. Successful candidates should if at all possible be available to attend the London Palaeography Summer School, involving 2 or 3 days of classes between 12th and 16th June. Should you have any questions about these studentships, please feel free to write to Dr Moul ( directly.

Commonwealth Scholarships (For Australian Nationals) 2017/18 – Call For Applications

Commonwealth Scholarships for candidates from developed Commonwealth countries in 2017/18 are now open.

Eligible Countries – Australia, The Bahamas, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Cyprus, Malta, and New Zealand.

Scholarships are available for PhD and Split-Site PhD study in the UK. These Scholarships are funded by the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), with the aim of supporting excellence in UK higher education, and sustaining the principles of the Commonwealth.

Candidates should apply directly to the CSC using the Electronic Application System (EAS).

All applications must be submitted to the EAS by 21 March, 2017 at 23.59 GMT, when the system will close.

Full details of the awards and how to apply are available on our website at:

Any enquiries regarding these Scholarships should be made to the Commission at:

University of Adelaide: PhD Scholarship in Early Modern English History of Law and Emotions – Call For Applications

Early Modern English History of Law and Emotions

Applications are invited for a scholarship leading to the degree of PhD in the School of Humanities (History), University of Adelaide.

The scholarship is supported by the Faculty of Arts (Divisional Scholarship), and is part of an Australian Research Council Discovery Project, DP160100265: ‘A New History of Law in Post-Revolutionary England, 1689 1760’ (Chief Investigators: Em. Prof Wilfrid Prest and Prof. David Lemmings, University of Adelaide, and Dr Mike Macnair, University of Oxford). The appointee will also be affiliated with the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions.

Prof. David Lemmings, who will supervise the successful candidate’s research, is interested in the social and cultural history of law and lawyers, 1690-1760, with a special emphasis on the history of emotions. The student may wish to undertake a comparative study of a group of judges from the period, with the aim of testing, further refining and extending both some of the generalizations advanced in previous research on the early Hanoverian judiciary, and of considering the representation of judges in the emerging print media. Candidates are encouraged to outline (in no more than 250 words) any proposal they may have for a specific thesis topic related to the overall field of study.

Eligibility: Applicants will have a minimum of Honours 2A result or equivalent in History or equivalent discipline, and must be citizens or permanent residents of Australia, or citizens of New Zealand, by the extended closing date, 31 March, 2017.

Stipend: The scholarship will be for three years’ full-time study, with a stipend of $26,288 per annum (2016 rate) tax free for up to three years (indexed annually). It is likely to be tax exempt, subject to Taxation Office approval. The successful candidate will be eligible to apply for a top-up scholarship from the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions to the value of $5,000 p.a. stipend and $4,500 p.a. to assist with travel and research expenses.


Prof. David Lemmings
School of Humanities
Discipline of History
Tel (08) +61 8313 5614
Fax (08) 8313 3443

Applying: Application for Admission must be submitted using the Online Application Form:

Please email a summary of your application for admission to Dr. Helen Payne with ‘Application for Judges and English Law. PhD Scholarship’ in the subject heading.

You can request a copy of your application summary by emailing with the subject heading ‘Request for application summary’.

Birkbeck PhD Studentships – Call For Applications

Birkbeck, University of London is now accepting applications for ESRC studentships, the Bonnart Trust PhD scholarship and the Stuart Hall PhD scholarship for October 2017 entry. There are also a number of scholarships specifically for international students. Some are offered directly by Birkbeck; others are offered in partnership with other organisations.

For full details of all scholarships on offer, please visit:

China in Europe, Europe in China: Past and Present (Five Doctoral Fellowships) – Call For Applications

The Faculty of Humanities at Universität Hamburg, Graduate Program: China in Europe, Europe in China: Past and Present, offers:

Five Doctoral Fellowships

The doctoral fellows will carry out research on the basis of an individual proposal concerning the European-Chinese encounter from its beginnings to the present day with a preference for topics from the more recent past. Thus projects must be located in research areas on actors from Europe, whether it be British, French, Russians, Germans etc., and from China. The participating disciplines are linguistics and literary studies, philosophy, anthropology, art history, archeology, musicology and history (see departments on As part of the program, candidates are expected to conduct a long-term research stay of 12 months at Fudan University in Shanghai.

In addition to the individual supervision for each candidate, further training opportunities and supporting service will be provided by the Hamburg Graduate School.

Starting in December 2016, stipends are initially granted for two years and can be extended for an additional year in Hamburg. In the first year of the candidature, the stipends will comprise 1300 Euros per month. The following year at Fudan University will be funded with a scholarship of 100,000 RMB, round-trip airfare and additional benefits.

What we expect

Potential candidates must have an excellent Master or Magister in humanities. Beyond the explicit interest in research in the Chinese-European Encounter, we expect good language and communication skills in English, flexibility, focused research and the readiness to undertake the one-year research stay in Shanghai. Candidates are expected to have a good command of Chinese. Applicants must meet the admission requirements according to the “Promotionsordnung” of the Faculty of Humanities of Universität Hamburg ( Due to rules and regulations, the fellowship cannot be granted to Chinese citizens.

For applications, please submit:

  1. A research proposal of maximum five pages
  2. A curriculum vitae
  3. A representative excerpt from the applicant’s Master or Magister thesis
  4. Names and contact details of two potential referees (incl. telephone number and email address)

The deadline is November 11.

Interested candidates should submit their application containing the above mentioned documents in one PDF file to:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Birthe Kundrus
Universität Hamburg
Fachbereich Geschichte
Von-Melle-Park 6
20146 Hamburg

Tel. 0049-40-428384528

University of Adelaide: Postgraduate Dissertation Scholarships in Early Modern English Legal History – Call For Applications

Two postgraduate scholarships are offered, each of three years duration, one leading to a PhD in the School of Law, the other leading to a PhD in the Department of History at the University of Adelaide. The successful candidates will pursue research on a topic related to the legal order in early modern England, under the supervision of Professor David Lemmings and Em Prof Wilfrid Prest, in connection with “A New History of Law in Post-Revolutionary England, 1689-1760”, a project funded by the Australian Research Council. For further details of these scholarships, eligibility requirements and mode of application, go to, or email

Applications close: 31 October, 2016