Category Archives: grant

Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies: 10 Fellowships for Experienced Researchers – Call For Applications

The Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies at the University of Erfurt (Max-Weber-Kolleg Erfurt) is a highly ranked international research centre. It is unique in its organizational structure by combining the functions of an institute for advanced study and a graduate school. Its ‘Weberian’ research programme combines historical, comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives with an interest in normative issues in the social sciences. It has a focus on contemporary social challenges, especially those arising in connection with (religious) plurality, cultural diversity and social processes of acceleration and growth. The core disciplines at the Max Weber Kolleg are sociology, economics, religious studies, law, philosophy, history and theology.

Within its fellowship programme “MWK-FELLOWS” the Max-Weber-Kolleg Erfurt offers (up to) 10 Fellowships for Experienced Researchers

The fellowships will be awarded to experienced researchers who are conducting advanced interdisciplinary research in cultural and social studies. The current call invites applications for fellowships for the academic year 2017/18. The fellowships will be awarded for 12 months (01 September 2017 – 31 August 2018) with the possibility of extension for another year. All experienced researchers regardless of seniority are invited to apply. This call is also open for researchers who are currently working outside academia but are interested in re-entering an academic environment of work.

For full information and to apply, please visit:

Deadline for applications: 1 October, 2016.

Friends of the Turnbull Library Research Grant – Call For Applications

The Friends of the Turnbull Library offers an annual research grant available to scholars whose research involves use of the Alexander Turnbulll Library.

In 2003 the Friends of the Turnbull, using a substantial bequest from David Bilbrough, established an annual grant for researchers who plan to make significant use of the collections of the Alexander Turnbull Library.

The grant is intended to emphasise the distinctive contribution that a research and heritage library makes to public knowledge. It celebrates the significant role of ongoing research and publication based on the Turnbull Library collections and the knowledge of the staff.

From 2007 to 2016, thanks to the generous bequest of Wesley (“Bill”) Secker, the Friends were able to increase the size of the annual research grant to NZ$10,000. From 2017, the grant will be up to $15,000.

No research grant was awarded for two years during renovations to the National Library but it has been offered each year since 2012.

Applications for the 2017 Research Grant must be submitted by 7 October, 2016.

For full information and to apply, please visit:

ANZAMEMS 2017: CFP (Extended Until Sept. 16 ) / Applications for Philippa Maddern Travel Bursaries (Now due Oct. 1)

The Call For Papers for the 2017 ANZAMEMS conference which will be held at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, on 7-10 February 2017, has been extended until September 16. Please see the conference website for all details:

Please note that the deadline for applications for the Philippa Maddern Travel Bursaries (generously funded by the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions) to attend 2017 ANZAMEMS conference has also been extended until 1 October. Full details here:

ANZAMEMS 2017 – Reminder CFP Closes in One Week (on September 1)

A quick reminder that the Call For Papers for the 2017 ANZAMEMS conference which will be held at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, on 7-10 February 2017, closes in one week on September 1. Call for Papers:

Postgraduate Bursaries: There are a range of travel bursaries and prizes available to postgraduate students to assist with conference costs. For further information see:

State Library of NSW – CH Currey Memorial, Nancy Keesing , and Australian Religious History Fellowships – Call For Applications

The State Library of NSW fellowships are prestigious and aim to support and foster writing, research and study. They provide money, a room and behind-the-scenes access to Library staff. Research topics have ranged from early colonisation of Australia through to investigations of contemporary life.

Applications for the following fellowships open 22 August, 2016 and will close 19 September, 2016.

For full information about heach fellowship, including how to apply, please visit:

CH Currey Memorial Fellowship

The CH Currey Memorial Fellowship is for the writing of Australian history from original sources, preferably making use of the resources of the State Library of NSW.

Nancy Keesing Fellowship

The Nancy Keesing Fellowship, is for research into any aspect of Australian life and culture using the resources of the State Library of NSW.

Australian Religious History Fellowship

The Australian Religious History Fellowship is for the study and research of any aspect of Australian religious history of any faith. The successful fellow will be based at the State Library of NSW, and is expected to be based there, although it is understood that it may be necessary to also work within other institutions and archives, and use resources outside the Library. With the Australian Religious History Fellowship, it is understood that the successful fellow will more than likely need to consult archives and records outside the Library. However it is expected that the fellow will use the Library’s resources to a significant degree.

State Library of NSW: Australian Religious History Fellowship

Australian Religious History Fellowship
Annual. Award of $20,000
Applications will open 22 August and close 19 September, 2016

The specific focus of the Australian History Religious Fellowship is for the study and research of any aspect of Australian religious history of any faith. The successful Fellow will be based at the State Library of NSW, although it is understood that it may be necessary to also work within other institutions and archives, and use resources outside the Library.

The Australian Religious History Fellowship was established in 2010 with a generous endowment from an anonymous benefactor.

For more info:

ARC Centre for the History of Emotions (CHE): Short-Term Project-to-Publication Grants for Established Staff – Call For Applications

ARC Centre for the History of Emotions (CHE) invites applications from scholars based in Australia, and with tenured or continuing academic employment, for short-term Research Project-to-Publication Grants.

These are three-month grants (full-time) designed to support continuing Australian university staff who have the opportunity to take leave from their normal duties to undertake a significant research project in the history of emotions. Eligible expenses include, but are not limited to; travel for research purposes; accommodation in research locations; other expenses incurred in obtaining research materials and publication preparation.

Those awarded this fellowship may receive up to AUD5,000 over the three-month duration. They will undertake to research, write and submit for publication before 30 September, 2017 significant new material on the history of emotions. Funding may be used to support research projects in the history of emotions in any period. The grants may be used for existing projects which are in advanced stages, or for new projects.

To be eligible, projects must be related to one or more of CHE’s four research programs, though not necessarily to the period 1100­–1800, and must involve plans for active participation in one or more of CHE’s five research nodes, including the offer of at least one research paper based on the project to the appropriate node(s).

Applications will be accepted from non-CHE members as well as current Associate Investigators (AIs) and honorary CHE members. In the event of a successful proposal for continuing a project already supported by a current CHE AI grant, the amount of the AI grant may be deducted from the fellowship funding.

For more information, please visit:

Applications close on 31 July, 2016.

ARC Centre for the History of Emotions (CHE): 2017 Associate Investigator Scheme – Call For Applications

The ARC Centre for the History of Emotions (CHE) has a core goal to provide small grant support to scholars as Associate Investigators (AIs) conducting research that focuses on the study of emotions in Europe 1100-1800, or explores the extension of that history in subsequent periods in Australia.

Topics should fit within our Program areas: Meanings, Change, Performance and Shaping the Modern. Applicants from any relevant discipline are welcome.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants from any relevant discipline, including Arts practitioners, are encouraged to apply.

  • 31 August, 2016: Submission date for applications.
  • 30 September 2016: Advice of outcomes.
  • 1 January 2017: Commencement date for 2017 CHE Associate Investigators.
  • 15 January 2018: Submission of Final Report.

For full information, please visit:

ARC Centre for the History of Emotions (CHE) Short-Term Project-to-Publication Research Fellowships – Call For Applications

The ARC Centre for the History of Emotions (CHE) invites applications from Australian-based researchers, without tenured or continuing academic employment, to undertake three- or six-month Short-Term Project-to-Publication Research Fellowships in the history of emotions.

Successful applicants will undertake to research, write and submit for publication before 30 September 2017 significant new material on the history of emotions. The fellowships may be used for existing projects which are in advanced stages, or for new projects. Funding is available to support a stipend and eligible expenses including, but not limited to, travel for research purposes; accommodation in research locations; and other expenses incurred in obtaining research materials and publication preparation.

To be eligible, projects must be related to one or more of CHE’s four research Programs, though not necessarily to the period 1100–1800, and must involve plans for active participation in one or more of CHE’s five research Nodes, including the offer of research papers based on the project to the appropriate Node(s) near the beginning and at the conclusion of the Fellowship.

Full information:

Applications close: 31 July, 2016.

Snorri Sturluson Icelandic Fellowships – Call For Applications

The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies invites applications for the Snorri Sturluson Icelandic Fellowships for 2017. The Fellowships are granted to writers, translators and scholars (not to university students) in the field of humanities from outside Iceland, to enable them to stay in Iceland for a period of at least three months, in order to improve their knowledge of the Icelandic language, culture and society.

The amount of the Fellowships is based in principle on travel expenses to and from Iceland, plus living expenses while in the country. Should two equally-qualified candidates be under consideration, preference will, as a rule, be given to a candidate from Eastern or Southern Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America or Oceania. The Árni Magnússonar Institute for Icelandic Studies assists Fellows during their stay in Iceland, at the conclusion of which Fellows are expected to submit a report to the Institute on how the grant was spent.

There is no special application form for the Fellowships. Applicants should submit a brief but thorough account of the purpose of their stay in Iceland, specifying period of stay, as well as details of education and publications.

Further information at:

Applications should be sent by ordinary mail (no e-mail application) no later than 31 October, 2016 to:

The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
The Sigurður Nordal Office
P.O.Box 1220
121 Reykjavík