University of Cambridge: Medieval Studies Summer Programme – Call For Applications

University of Cambridge
Medieval Studies Summer Programme
6-19 August, 2017

The academic programme:

  • Four courses (two per week)
  • Series of plenary lectures: Rebellion and Revolt
  • Evening talks

Programme description:

Course Directors encourage you to develop your own arguments about big historical issues while helping you to understand the complexities of the chosen field. The programme is challenging and is predicated on doing advance reading. It attracts current undergraduate and graduate students, and college and university teachers. Its interdisciplinary nature will appeal to anyone with an interest in medieval studies. We welcome those coming from any background but with some knowledge and a genuine interest in the period. Courses are led by recognised experts from the University and other British universities. The typical week tab gives more information about the daily schedule.

For full details and course costs, please visit:

Applications close 24 July, 2017.