Monash University: CMRS Visiting Scholar Program 2016 – Call For Applications

Monash University
Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
CMRS Visiting Scholar Program 2016

The Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Monash University is pleased to call for applications to our Visiting Scholar Program for 2016. The aim of the program is to support a senior academic to visit the CMRS for one week, during which time he or she will provide a postgraduate training workshop, consult with CMRS students and deliver a seminar paper on his or her own research.

For the purposes of the program, a CMRS Visiting Scholar should hold an academic position of Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor or Emeritus/a Professor at an academic institution.

CMRS Visiting Scholars will be expected to engage fully in the activities of the CMRS for the duration of their stay. Specifically, a CMRS Visiting Scholar will be invited to deliver a postgraduate training seminar or workshop on an empirical, theoretical or methodological aspect of interest to advanced students of medieval and Renaissance studies, such as palaeography, codicology, theoretical approaches to medieval and Renaissance history etc. The CMRS Visiting Scholar will also be invited to present a seminar paper on an aspect of his or her research, and attend other CMRS events of relevance during their visit to Monash.

One CMRS Visiting Scholar will be appointed each year to visit the CMRS at Monash University’s Clayton campus in August. The CMRS will provide the Visiting Scholar with five night’s accommodation in Melbourne (Monday to Saturday morning) and transport to and from Monash’s Clayton campus. For senior scholars already in Australia or NZ, the CMRS will provide a return economy airfare to Melbourne. Total funding support may be up to but not exceeding AUD2000.00.

We welcome applications from eligible academics for 2016 by June 1, 2016. Applicants should send a cover letter, a short CV, and a brief outline of the workshop they propose to convene and a potential seminar paper topic to the Associate Professor Megan Cassidy-Welch (

The Monash Centre for Medieval Renaissance Studies was launched in 2011. The CMRS is committed to providing research training for honours and postgraduate students; to developing and promoting Monash’s strength in medieval and Renaissance studies; and to fostering local, national and international collaborations between networks of scholars and students. The heart of the CMRS is a weekly Friday seminar and associated reading, language and translation groups. For more information about the CMRS and its staff, see